At the outset of the twenty-first century, what do these Rockefeller-funded projects have to teach us about religion in higher…
Values and violence: Thoughts on Charlie Hebdo
The week after the massacre, Charlie Hebdo’s “All is forgiven" issue featured a cover depicting the prophet Muhammad in tears, holding a…
9/11 chronomania
Under its congressional mandate to “examine and report upon the facts and causes relating to the terrorist attacks…[and] make a…
The paradoxes of the re-Islamization of Muslim societies
The 9/11 debate was centered on a single issue: Islam. Osama Bin Laden was taken at his own words by…
Understanding resacralization (part 3)
Should religious discourse be welcomed in the public sphere, or should we require that it first be translated into secular…
Understanding resacralization (part 2)
The Rimini Meeting is run almost entirely by unpaid volunteers. Everything from the physical construction and take-down of the arena,…
Understanding resacralization (part 1)
Dominant accounts of the religion-modernity relationship, at least among sociologists of religion in the US, have tended to focus mainly…
The parting of religion and culture
The New York Times reviews Olivier Roy's Holy Ignorance, now out in English translation.
Against Judaist-Christianism
I do not have much to add to the debate surrounding the Islamic Cultural Center that will surely be built…