Sindre Bangstad

Sindre Bangstad is a Norwegian social anthropologist, and an associate researcher at KIFO (Institute for Church, Religion and Worldview Research) in Oslo, Norway. The author of seven books, he has ethnographic fieldwork experience from work on Muslims in Cape Town, South Africa, and Oslo, Norway. Bangstad is the author of inter alia Anders Breivik and the Rise Of Islamophobia (London and Chicago: Zed Books/Chicago University Press, 2014), The Politics of Mediated Presence (Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press, 2015), and Anthropology of Our Times: An Edited Volume in Public Anthropology (New York and London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017).

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Values and violence: Thoughts on Charlie Hebdo

The week after the massacre, Charlie Hebdo’s “All is forgiven" issue featured a cover depicting the prophet Muhammad in tears, holding a…
