Off the cuff is a new feature at The Immanent Frame, in which we pose a question to a handful…
off the cuff
off-the-cuff (adj.): extemporaneous, impromptu, improvised
A feature of The Immanent Frame in which the editors pose a question to a handful of leading thinkers and scholars, and invite a quick and succinct response.
Questions from TIF editors have concerned the elections in Egypt, anti-immigration ideas and multiculturalism in Europe, Black Lives Matter, reflections from our contributors on their summer reading, and more.
For longer-form essays, visit our Exchanges page and explore forums based on wide-ranging topics with interdisciplinary perspectives.
Homosexuality and the Anglican debate
Off the cuff is a new feature at The Immanent Frame, in which we pose a question to a handful…
Summer reading: Part I
Off the cuff is a new feature at The Immanent Frame, in which we pose a question to a handful…
Summer reading: Part II
Off the cuff is a new feature at The Immanent Frame, in which we pose a question to a handful…
Summer reading: Part III
As the fall semester gets underway, our off the cuff question this week has asked a variety of contributors to…
The new gurus
In last week’s New York Times Sunday Styles section, Allen Salkin reported on the emergence of a “new wave” of…
Obama and the Dalai Lama
When the Dalai Lama visited Washington, D.C. last week, he didn’t stop at the White House, making this the first…
Taxing yoga: exercise or spiritual practice?
Earlier this month, the Associated Press reported on a controversy that erupted over the decision by Missouri tax authorities to…
Mumbai revisited
Following the November 26, 2008 terror attacks in Mumbai, and in the midst of a flurry of international media coverage,…
Christianity and the crash
In the December 2009 issue of The Atlantic, Hanna Rosin added to the ongoing debate over the causes of the…