The concept of the corporate form is not the solution scholarship needs, but the power of this assertion is the…
Kathryn Lofton
Latest posts
Economy is not about money or things. Economy is the practice of constraint toward money and toward things. Economy is…
Revisited: Sex abuse and the study of religion
In summer 2010, Robert Orsi, Terence McKiernan, and I began a conversation about the sex abuse scandal in the Roman Catholic Church.…
This is not fine
It is so much worse than we think, and we’re just hollering at some codger in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or…
How much a spirit cost
I first connected with the work of Josef Sorett when he published this strong-voiced call to make hip hop a serious subject…
Trumping reality
Why those who support Trump do so can be captured by perspectives on income, not income itself; by perspectives on…
Some readers may have recently returned to Frequencies only to find that its spiritual focus had radically shifted. Due to hijinks…
Corporation as sect
It is easy to forget that religious freedom wasn’t an only child: she was a part of a family of…
The digital is a place to hide
In the digital age, is anything a secret? What comprises the unknown when a search engine is at hand? These…
Frequencies 91/100 – 100/100
Today marks the hundredth entry in Frequencies.