The question “Is this all there is” makes sense inside the immanent frame. Prior to this becoming our default common…
Charles Taylor
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Values and violence: Thoughts on Charlie Hebdo
The week after the massacre, Charlie Hebdo’s “All is forgiven" issue featured a cover depicting the prophet Muhammad in tears, holding a…
The Charter of Quebec Values
On November 7th, 2013, on the heels of a heated public debate about the role of religion in public life,…
Western secularity
We live in a world in which ideas, institutions, artistic styles, and formulas for production and living circulate among societies…
The philosopher-citizen
Jürgen Habermas is one of the most prominent philosophers on the global scene of the last half century. His work…
Buffered and porous selves
Almost everyone can agree that one of the big differences between us and our ancestors of five hundred years ago…
Secularism and critique
What are we to think of the idea, entertained by Rawls for a time, that one can legitimately ask of…
Two books, oddly yoked together
Mark Lilla's The Stillborn God feels like two books, oddly yoked together. One is a fascinating study, which traces a…
Constitutional patriotism
Robert Bellah’s latest post poses clearly the issues that we’ve been agonizing over in Canada, and in a different way…
What inspires us & what holds us together
Having escaped for a few seconds from the Commission, I had a chance to read many of the very interesting…