Last month, the image of three police officers standing over a woman on the beach in Nice, supervising the removal…
Values and violence: Thoughts on Charlie Hebdo
The week after the massacre, Charlie Hebdo’s “All is forgiven" issue featured a cover depicting the prophet Muhammad in tears, holding a…
Short skirts and niqab bans: On sexuality and the secular body
Introduced in Québec in March 2010, Bill 94 proposed requiring women to unveil their faces if they wanted to work…
The Charter of Quebec Values
On November 7th, 2013, on the heels of a heated public debate about the role of religion in public life,…
The Charter of Quebec Values in the media: Panic, contempt, and division
The recent media buzz stirred up by a sad story captures well the sense of uneasiness pervading Quebec since the…
Philosophy of religion in the public sphere
Ars Disputandi has recently published a collection of essays from the 2010 Conference of the European Society for Philosophy of…
Beyond moderate secularism
For Modood, moderate secularism can and should go on more or less as it is, but, in order to accommodate…
The new faces of the European far-right
With the ascent of Marine Le Pen to the head of the National Front and her growing popularity in the…
“Burqa Ban” takes effect in France
On April 11th, the hotly debated "burqa ban" went into effect in France.
“Niqabitches” take on Paris
French students protest burka ban by hiding face, showing legs.