The first thing I thought when I got the email last spring about the anniversary theme was, man, that’s a…
Ruth Marshall
Associate professor in the departments of political science and study of religion at the University of Toronto, Ruth Marshall is the author of Political Spiritualities: The Pentecostal Revolution in Nigeria (U. Chicago Press, 2009). Her work seeks to clear an analytical space in which the political productivity of religious discourse and practice may be recognized and analyzed non-reductively. Her book-in-progress examines the renewed ethico-political force of religious language in the public sphere and the political challenge that religious revivalism poses to democratic forms of life around the globe.
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How to do things in with words
February 16, 2017
Bejan revisits early modern times of extreme verbal violence, sectarianism, and bloodshed with an eye on our own. Her brilliant…
Rethinking religion in a political scientific wilderness
July 22, 2016
Beyond Religious Freedom: The New Global Politics of Religion makes an extremely important and timely contribution to a conversation that…
The Charter of Quebec Values
February 20, 2014
On November 7th, 2013, on the heels of a heated public debate about the role of religion in public life,…
Falling on the sword of the spirit
February 28, 2011
There is no doubt that anthropology needs new approaches for understanding dramatic change, a new way of figuring the relationship…