I. Introduction
II. Staff
III. Editorial Board
IV. Licensing and Citation

The Immanent Frame publishes interdisciplinary perspectives on religion, secularism, and the public sphere. Founded in October 2007 in conjunction with the Social Science Research Council’s program on Religion and the Public Sphere, The Immanent Frame features invited contributions and original essays, and serves as a forum for ongoing exchanges among leading thinkers from the social sciences and humanities.
In 2008, The Immanent Frame was named an official honoree of the 12th annual Webby Awards and a “favorite new religion site, egghead division” by The Revealer. CNN has called The Immanent Frame “exceptionally eye opening.” In September of 2011, The Immanent Frame partnered with Killing the Buddha to launch Frequencies, which was later named an official honoree of the 16th annual Webby Awards. In March of 2013, members of TIF‘s editorial team launched Reverberations, which was selected as a nominee for the 18th annual Webby Awards in 2014.
Contributions to The Immanent Frame are generally new content and by invitation. In Fall 2019, TIF began issuing targeted calls for contributions. To read more about this decision and to see current open calls, click here. We also encourage readers to join discussions by commenting on individual posts (all comments are reviewed prior to posting) and by interacting with our social media accounts. Questions regarding editorial policy and terms of use should be directed to the staff.
The work of the SSRC’s Religion and the Public Sphere program and The Immanent Frame is supported through funding partnerships with the Henry Luce Foundation and the Fetzer Institute.
The views and opinions expressed in articles published on The Immanent Frame are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Social Science Research Council, unless directly stated otherwise.
Mona Oraby is editor of The Immanent Frame and Associate Professor of Political Science at Howard University. Since 2017, she has worked with the editorial board, the editorial assistant, and the codirectors of the SSRC Religion and the Public Sphere program to recruit content for TIF on a wide range of topics related to the place of religion in the public sphere, broadly construed. As editor, in addition to curating thematic discussions and overseeing the publication calendar, she provides the principal editorial input and oversight for submitted pieces and assists authors in the development of their submissions. Follow her on Twitter @MonaOrabee.
Alison Renna serves as TIF editorial assistant. Additional support for The Immanent Frame is provided by Molly Laas, director of the SSRC’s Religion and the Public Sphere program. Technical support, including web development and design, is provided by Zachary Zinn, Director of Technology and Digital Operations at the SSRC.
Editorial Board
The editorial board of The Immanent Frame was originally constituted in March 2016. The editorial board works with the TIF staff to develop forum ideas, recruit contributors, and provide editorial feedback to participating authors.
Shahzad Bashir (Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilizations, Aga Khan University)
Jonathan Gold (Religion; Center for Culture, Society, and Religion, Princeton University)
Ahmad Greene-Hayes (Harvard Divinity School)
Constance Furey (Religious Studies, Indiana University Bloomington)
Laura Levitt (Religion; Jewish Studies; Gender, Temple University)
Emily Ogden (English, University of Virginia)
Myrna Perez (Classics and Religious Studies; Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Ohio University)
Previous members of the editorial board provided valuable editorial support during their years of service. They include: Carlo Invernizzi Accetti (City College of New York), Courtney Bender (Columbia University), Ruth Braunstein (University of Connecticut), Anver Emon (University of Toronto), Mayanthi Fernando (University of California, Santa Cruz), Helena Hansen (University of California, Los Angeles), Elizabeth Shakman Hurd (Northwestern University), Iza Hussin (University of Cambridge), Nancy Levene (Yale University), Vincent Lloyd (Villanova University), Nathan Schneider (University of Colorado, Boulder), Lisa Sideris (University of California, Santa Barbara), Todne Thomas (Yale Divinity School and Yale University), Daniel Vaca (Brown University), and Geneviève Zubrzycki (University of Michigan).
Licensing and Citation
Except where otherwise noted, content published by The Immanent Frame on or after January 1, 2014, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 License. This license permits you to copy, distribute, and display content as long as you provide a link to the content at The Immanent Frame, attribute the work appropriately (including both author and title), and do not adapt the content or use it commercially. For all undated content and all content published by The Immanent Frame prior to January 1, 2014, please contact the staff to ensure that there are no legal restrictions on the use of the material in question.
When referencing posts from The Immanent Frame in scholarly papers and presentations, please ensure that our contributors receive appropriate credit for their ideas and their work. Suggested citation guidelines are included here, but please consult your style guide for proper citation format.