The disciplines of knowledge production—through which we instill in our students the practices of objectivity, generalizability, and professionalism—are no less…
Anver Emon
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Islamic law from below: Between trust and distrust
Rumee Ahmed’s Sharia Compliant begins with a letter to his Muslim readers. The Arabic term for “letter” is risala, a…
Islam: An American Religion and the paranoia of anti-Muslim politics
When is a discussion, debate, polemic, or rant about Islam and Muslims not really about Islam and Muslims? If it’s…
From the Founders to Trump: The legalities of “Muslims”
Writing about the image of the “Muslim” at America’s founding, Denise Spellberg writes how debates on religious tests for office…
Islamic and Jewish Legal Reasoning: An introduction
Islamic and Jewish Legal Reasoning: Encountering Our Legal Other is a curious book, in part because it came out of a…
Is ISIS Islamic? Why it matters for the study of Islam
Recent months have witnessed considerable angst in the academy over what is and isn’t Islam(ic). Spurred by events from the…
Engaging religion at the Department of State
This past week, the US Department of State announced the creation of a new office that “will focus on engagement with…
Banning Shari‘a
Ten years after 9/11, Americans cope with insecurity in their day-to-day welfare at home, while contending with continued warnings of…