The slim crescent that rose above the skyline on July 9th signifies the beginning of this year’s holy month of…
On France’s theologico-political crisis
Nations have different ways of talking about themselves. Americans tend to discuss their country in an idiom of national greatness,…
Why citizenship (still) matters in France
In the wake of the November 13 terrorist attack, French president François Hollande decided to reinforce France’s security legislation. In…
The ISIS shock doctrine
The rapid and shockingly violent establishment of a self-declared Islamic Caliphate in parts of Syria and Iraq by The Islamic…
Values and violence: Thoughts on Charlie Hebdo
The week after the massacre, Charlie Hebdo’s “All is forgiven" issue featured a cover depicting the prophet Muhammad in tears, holding a…
The Charlie Hebdo shootings
On Wednesday, January 7th, two masked assailants stormed the Paris headquarters of the French satirical publication Charlie Hebdo, killed 12 people, and wounded…
Buddhists, Time, and religious unrest in Burma
At Religion Dispatches, Alan Senauke writes about Time magazine's July 1st issue and its consequences in Burma.
11 years after 9/11
In the days immediately following September 11, 2001, the Social Science Research Council invited a wide range of leading social…
I thought we were all past this
Spencer Ackerman discusses at length the "dozens of pages of recent FBI training material on Islam that Danger Room has…
9/11 chronomania
Under its congressional mandate to “examine and report upon the facts and causes relating to the terrorist attacks…[and] make a…