As participants in the academic project, we must ask: How are we complicit in maintaining the whiteness and maleness of…
religious studies
Teaching with The Immanent Frame
How have you used The Immanent Frame in your teaching? What has worked, for which students and classes, and why?
Heathen, Hindoo, Hindu—An introduction
In Heathen, Hindoo, Hindu, rather than looking for people doing religion, I looked for people using religion. The variety of…
Believer, religious studies, and the public
In this short forum, we have asked a handful of scholars to discuss the relationship between scholarship, public knowledge, and…
Apologia pro Reza: Why I like Believer
I am a comparative historian of early Christianity who reads widely in and engages in academic forums around new religious…
Islamic and Jewish Legal Reasoning: An introduction
Islamic and Jewish Legal Reasoning: Encountering Our Legal Other is a curious book, in part because it came out of a…
Teaching religion: Refusing the Schempp myth of origins
I was recently asked to speak about the current state of US religious freedom law. I guess it somehow seemed…
Is ISIS Islamic? Why it matters for the study of Islam
Recent months have witnessed considerable angst in the academy over what is and isn’t Islam(ic). Spurred by events from the…
Faith in diplomacy
When Secretary of State John Kerry launched the Office of Faith-Based Community Initiatives (OFBCI), he extolled the importance and urgency…
Doing “Religion Work” in China?
When one thinks of politics and religion in China, one often imagines the state as an omnipotent power, invincible and…