...stage of building a new Egypt began. The youth-driven Revolution of 2011, with its call for freedom and justice, is inscribing a new feminism, with a fresh lexicon and syntax....
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Contrasting progress on democracy in Tunisia and Egypt
by Alfred Stepan...free to choose a presidential, semi-presidential, or a parliamentary system. A consensus is emerging among political leaders to choose the same system for which the ten post-communist countries that have...
Islam and authority
by John R. Bowen...the second, a dichotomy between the long-standing processes of Islamic jurisprudence and the forms of modern, secular law. First, free choice versus state compulsion. An-Na`im argues that a Muslim can...
Somewhere out there: Corporate utopias of space and sea
...technology (so, like, NASA) agrees in Section 9 of the Starlink small-print “to recognize Mars as a free planet and [affirm] that no Earth-based government has any authority or sovereignty...
The zero effect doctrine
by Finbarr Curtis...than I am in how he imagines religious freedom. One common response to Ginsberg’s concerns is that Hobby Lobby employees are free to do whatever they want. As free citizens...
Neuroscience and free will
by Taline Cox...that take up the issue of neuroscience and free will, including Sam Harris’s Free Will, Michael S. Gazzaniga’s Who’s In Charge? Free Will and the Science of the Brain, and...
Corporate missions: Commerce, freedom, and the public good
...of the free market, actually increase experiences of democracy and freedom. Classical models of the free market centered on Euro-American contexts problematically presupposed fair and democratic exchanges. These neat projections...
The political theology of freedom and unfreedom
by Mateo Taussig-Rubbo...and the sovereign, by definition, is free. The freedom depicted by Kahn in Political Theology is certainly not a negative freedom. It is, among other things, the collective freedom of...
Why not just abolish the religion clauses?
...whites. As for free exercise, the Court became justifiably troubled, I think, by the difficulty in drawing a line between religious practices that should be accommodated and those that shouldn’t....
Theologies of American exceptionalism: Moreton and Paarlberg
by Elizabeth Shakman Hurd and Lisa H. Sideris...repress vodou, Catholicism, and other dissenting beliefs and practices) were not understood to entail the export or establishment of religion but rather the promotion of universal values, the free market,...