...the House of Lords solicited an official statement from Indian attorney-general Soli Sorabjee on the Code’s outcomes. Sorabjee’s report was emphatically negative. The Code, he said, had fostered “intolerance, divisiveness,...
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VIPREG2024 1x promo code Peru
Deathless questions and other interviews
The right to truth: An interview with Eduardo Gonzalez
by Nathan Schneider...around the world, particularly in post-conflict societies. Before joining the ICTJ, he helped organize and carry out the Peruvian Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Previously, he worked as an advocate for...
April 19, 2010
Sharia Compliant
Islamic law as “code”: Language, system, power
April 24, 2018
...in Islamic jurisprudential traditions. Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) is a technology, and the fuqaha (jurisprudents) are programmers, making the law “code” in more senses than one. If the code is a...
April 24, 2018
here & there
George Lakoff on The Obama Code
by Ruth Braunstein...the Obama Code. For the sake of unity, the President tends to express his moral vision indirectly. Like other self-aware and highly articulate speakers, he connects with his audience using...
February 24, 2009
The Editors
Writing religion for the IPSP

...background. In particular, the more decentralized nature of Canada when compared to the United States seems to promote mobilization through more informal local networks, compared to national advocacy organizations in...
January 12, 2017
Unveiling the end times: Neoliberalism and apocalypse
Apocalypse when? Andean world-turnings in an era of neoliberalism, and after
March 24, 2021
...Past and Prophetic Future in Early Colonial Peru.”) So, I’m struck by what Quishpe says there in the National Congress, in the midst of an indigenous revolt against neoliberalism and...
March 24, 2021
here & there
Skyping secularism: Religion and multiple modernities
by Thomas Alberts...family code was debated hotly after independence, with women’s groups and Muslim authorities disagreeing on a range of issues. The family code is essentially a set of laws that regulates...
August 9, 2010
Sex and the Catholic Church: What does law have to do with it?
Canon fodder
March 5, 2019
...another to allow its tentacles into the Church itself. To combat that tendency, the Church has struggled to centralize its own internal codes. Most importantly, a Code of Canon Law...
March 5, 2019
The headscarf controversy
Gender equality and Islamic headscarves
by Joan Scott...long denied women the right to vote and its civil code enforced male prerogatives over women in families until well into the twentieth century. The Turkish republic (a one-party state...
February 10, 2008
Hate speech, religious insult, critique
Complicating hate speech matters
January 25, 2019
...Manglerud in Oslo East in 2013. The establishment of this unit has meant that the number of hate speech prosecutions and convictions under Norwegian General Code Section 185 has significantly...
January 25, 2019