This series of essays aims to open up, with respect to the sex abuse crisis in the Catholic Church, the…
Sex and the Catholic Church: What does law have to do with it?

“This series of essays aims to open up, with respect to the sex abuse crisis in the Catholic Church, the ridiculously large question, ‘What does law have to do with it?’ How can exposure of the injuries inflicted by the church, and the conditions that enabled and protected those injuries, lead to a reimagining of the rule of law closer to the ground—away, that is, from statist and corporatist understandings toward a fantasy of law, civil and religious, that serves the people?
In this context, such a project might begin with a theological anthropology that asks how a particular individual fields the multiple normative orders to which she is subject, particularly in the context of a church apparently newly awakened to the reality of sin. How should we understand the interplay of and felt hierarchy among civil law, religious and moral norms, local custom, and other forms of institutional regulation? What does law have to do with remediating injury?”
Begin by continuing to read the introduction to the forum, written by cocurator (with managing editor Mona Oraby) Winnifred Fallers Sullivan.
Abuse crisis: Shifting boundaries between church and state
The meaning and the consequences of the abuse crisis will be far-reaching and it will take a long time to…
The myth of secular law as savior
Like the good religion/bad religion dichotomy familiar to religious studies scholars, the good law/bad law dichotomy structures implicit judgments of…
A matter of justice, not merely chastity
How will the encounter with the hard edges of American law reshape Catholic doctrine on sexual morality, which governs not…
Laws of gender: Parody and resistance in times of scandal
This essay begins with a tale of two cardinals. It’s not the story you’re expecting.
Canon fodder
In this short reflection I will suggest that Viganò’s offhand remark shows us a deep truth about the legal culture…
Encounters on shifting ground
Part of the tragedy is that, although some of the underlying abuse took place decades ago, efforts at comprehensive accounts,…
Amid the waves of the sex abuse crisis
The fact remains that vulnerability and recognition operate on time binds that are both incommensurable and disproportionate to the ways…