...cultural collaboration. Let’s begin with the issue of boundaries, drawing on an example from my own fieldwork in Denmark. The Great Synagogue of Copenhagen is not an imposing building: a...
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Canon fodder
...another to allow its tentacles into the Church itself. To combat that tendency, the Church has struggled to centralize its own internal codes. Most importantly, a Code of Canon Law...
Satire and policing the boundary of free expression
by Peter Ronald deSouza...of a free society, that it so loudly proclaims whenever the issue of the limits of free expression come up in international affairs. This first set of issues, of the...
The power of pluralist thinking
by Courtney Bender...observed in the United States is brought about by and likewise promotes religious freedom. Both positions have, arguably, contributed as much to our collective imagination of freedom as they have...
Values and violence: Thoughts on Charlie Hebdo
...free speech. It is to enforce compulsory, official speech—the very opposite of free speech. All those who have invoked Voltaire in recent weeks would do well to remember that free...
The virtues of godlessness
by Nicole GreenfieldPhil Zuckerman, associate professor of sociology at Pitzer College, uses Sweden and Denmark as examples to counter the assertion that without religion, society is doomed: Many people assume that religion...
Conversion and race in colonial slavery
...is part of the story, yet the language of “not joining” implies free choice. In practice, the majority of enslaved and free blacks were forbidden from joining Protestant churches. Before...
Fighting words that are not fought
by Sindre Bangstad...Indeed, it seems ever more evident that we face a future in Europe where the freedom of speech will be in constant tension and conflict with the freedom of religion...
Stuck in the middle with you
by Gregory Starrett...You cannot be allowed to live like that. We wish you to be free. Freedom is a right and not a threat. There is nothing to fear, so take down...
Beyond moderate secularism
by Rajeev Bhargava...history. Using a broad brush, we might say that European secularisms arose in predominantly single-religion societies. Issues of radical individual freedom and citizenship equality arose in European societies after religious...