This forum draws together scholars of religion, nationalism, and secularism with research expertise in North America, the Middle East, Europe,…
National identity, nationalism, and the politics of religion

The forum on “National identity, nationalism, and the politics of religion” draws together scholars with research expertise in the Middle East, North America, South Asia, and Europe to examine different facets of religious nationalism. Cocurated and coedited by Mona Oraby (TIF editor and Howard University) and Geneviève Zubrzycki (TIF editorial board member and University of Michigan), the featured essays explore why conflicts over national identity occur even in “mono-ethnic” and “mono-confessional” contexts; how religion and religious institutions remain crucial in secular states; why and how minorities and majorities are constituted, and what the role of political coalitions is in that process; as well as when gentrification contributes to minoritization of certain ethnic and religious groups. Amid ongoing and destabilizing regional conflicts, state-imposed restrictions on religious assembly, and expansionist theologies of the religious right, this forum provides needed insight into complex articulations of religion in global politics.
Incoherent nationalism: Monuments to extinction in Sisi’s Egypt
The Egyptian government pledged in 2017 to allocate 1.27 billion EGP ($71 million) for the preservation of Jewish heritage. Restoring…
The minoritization of Palestinians: From the “Iron Wall” to a “Second Nakba”?
In the early months of 2023, Jewish Israelis flooded the streets of Israel in a massive display of civil disobedience…
“Settling in the hearts”: The new face of Jewish neonationalism in Israel’s mixed cities
In spring 2021, unprecedented intercommunal and police violence broke out in Jerusalem and other cities across Israel. Known as the…
Us and them vs. them: How Christian nationalism facilitates multiracial coalitions of exclusion
The rise of ethno-nationalist movements around the world has been one of the most notable political trends of the past…
Monotheistic religious nationalisms in India and Pakistan
On January 17, 2023, BBC World aired the first episode of its controversial two-part miniseries titled India: The Modi Question.…
Competing narratives of the “us” in “our culture and heritage”
Although 19.3 million people reported a Christian affiliation in the 2021 Canadian census (representing just over half of the Canadian…
Toward illiberal secularisms in Western francophone societies
Secularism requires that the state be separate from, and neutral vis-à-vis, religious groups. The state must also protect the religious…
Conducts of revolt: Refusing a Napoleonic politics of religion
One of the interesting things about religious nationalisms is their interchangeablity. I remember reading Peter van der Veer’s book, Religious…