In February 2012, 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was fatally shot by George Zimmerman in Sanford, Florida. Zimmerman was initially released on…
Black Natural Law: An introduction
We are accustomed to hearing stories and seeing images of racial injustice: the white police officer assaulting the black schoolgirl,…
The 9th World Assembly of Religions for Peace
Several weeks ago, over 600 religious leaders, representing more than 120 countries and a wide-range of religious traditions (Baha’i, Buddhist,…
Reconciliation and the pursuit of peace
Today, at the beginning of 2013, the world is confronted by a bewildering array of protracted and new armed conflicts:…
Recasting an agenda for peace
The International Criminal Court (ICC) celebrated its ten-year anniversary last summer. During its first decade of life, both the shadow…
Janus-faced justice
One of Philpott’s goals in Just and Unjust Peace is to challenge both sorts of reactions to the role of…
Justice and reconciliation
Recent history is full of episodes of egregious, widespread and often systematic wrongdoing: genocide, torture, and mass killing. Cambodia, South…
A new theory on political wounds
Daniel Philpott has written an impressive book that offers a new conception of political reconciliation for the field of transitional…
Relevance of religious episteme in search of a just peace
Daniel Philpott’s book, Just and Unjust Peace, can be regarded as a milestone for policymakers and academics looking for ways…
The church, the state, and the child
The child, as the psychoanalytic theorist Adam Phillips points out, “remains our most convincing essentialism.” By this he means that at…