Many of these documents are appalling in the way that bureaucratic recitals of torture are appalling, in the way that ledgers…
Placing childhood sexual abuse in historical perspective
One of the major achievements of the past quarter century has been the growing awareness of the prevalence and damaging…
Paradigms for Peacebuilding
Next Thursday, November 10, the the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, the SSRC, and a range of other institutions…
Symposium on restorative justice, reconciliation and peacebuilding
In collaboration with the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame, the Institute for International…
Philosophy of religion in the public sphere
Ars Disputandi has recently published a collection of essays from the 2010 Conference of the European Society for Philosophy of…
The belief of or in God?
Recently, there was a brief back and forth at Cif Belief between Michael McGhee and Stephen Clark. The former, a…
Obama’s living virtues
Obama's list of virtues comes in pairs, and the pairings are mutually illuminating. I will, though, examine them not in…
Wolterstorff’s Bible-as-“frame”
In short, I agree with Wolterstorff that, while there is no theory in this extremely diverse array of biblical texts,…
We are all Christians now
At first glance, Justice is an internecine wrangle between theists (or better put, Christians). On the one side is Alasdair…
Look elsewhere for agonistic social ontology: A response to Smith
If it is indeed the case that "the social ontology of rights talk generally assumes that, at bottom, the kind…