Beware the dominant narratives about religion and sex. Things are usually more complicated.
public schools
Churches and public schools
On April 3rd, 2014, The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit upheld (by overturning the judgment of…
Judge rules yoga not a threat to separation of church and state
A judge in California ruled on Monday that teaching yoga in public schools does not violate the U.S. Constitution's separation…
Three cheers for God
A Texas judge has ruled on the case of the Texas cheerleaders who were using banners with Christian Bible verses…
Temporary restraining order on city’s ban
This past Thursday, February 16th, Andy Newman reported for the New York Times that Judge Preska of the Federal District Court…
NYC religious groups vacate public schools and march in protest
The past few months have been a wild ride for church-state issues in the U.S. The Hosanna-Tabor decision upheld the…
Religion in public schools
In Reuters, journalist Katherine Stewart gives her thoughts regarding American Civil Liberties Union's (ACLU) recently filed lawsuit against New Heights…
Continuing controversy over Louisiana’s public school curriculum
The New Orleans Times-Picayune reports that efforts to repeal the 2008 Science Education Act have failed despite efforts by Louisiana…