The latest issue of the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion contains the presidential address of British sociologist James Beckford. In it, Beckford…
Imagining radical refusal
In Reviews in Cultural Theory, Erin Wunker reviews Exit Capitalism: Literary Culture, Theory, and Postsecular Modernity by Simon During.
The resurgence of the civic
Occupy Wall Street and cognate groups around the world are part of a protest movement that is both global and…
Milton and the postsecular
In The Huffington Post, Feisal Mohammed offers an excerpt from his new book, Milton and the Post-Secular Present: Ethics, Politics, Terrorism, published in…
Physicists making religion headlines
Ever since he told a Guardian reporter last weekend that the idea of an afterlife is a "fairy story," Stephen…
The post-secular: A different account
John Boy, in a post on March 15th, titled "What we talk about when we talk about the postsecular," provides…
Exploring the postsecular city
The New York Times reports on Tony Carnes' remarkable efforts to map every place of worship in New York City…
What we talk about when we talk about the postsecular
The term "postsecular" is quickly becoming a keyword for scholars of religion and public life. So what is it all…
Asecular revolution
Why have I chosen the term “asecular,” and not, say, “non-secular” or “post-secular,” to describe the power manifested by these…
Post-secular development
For most of the second half of the twentieth century development was assumed to be consonant with modernity and its…