Simon During is a professor at the Centre for the History of European Discourses at the University of Queensland, having…
Religion as a catalyst of rationalization
The centrality of religion to social theory in general and philosophy in particular explains why Jürgen Habermas has dealt with…
Habermas and Religion
Edited by Craig Calhoun, Eduardo Mendieta, and Jonathan VanAntwerpen, Habermas and Religion presents a series of original and sustained engagements…
After the postsecular
Inside Higher Ed interviews Anthony Paul Smith and Daniel Whistler, the editors of the recently-published volume After the Postsecular and…
The secularization of secularism
In the newest issue of Theory, Culture & Society, British sociologist Gregor McLennan takes a closer look at the "postsecular…
A postsecular world society?: An interview with Jürgen Habermas
"We should not throw out the baby with the bathwater. The debate over the sociological thesis of secularization has led…
The “post-secular” impulse
In Books & Culture, David Martin offers a critical analysis of the context and motivations for recent discussions of the…
“Recognizing” religion
Religion appears in liberal theory first and foremost as an occasion for tolerance and neutrality. This orientation is reinforced by…
Cosmopolitanism and the ideal of postsecular public reason
Cosmopolitanism is not realistically imaginable as the transcendence of all forms of belonging. To propose a leap into traditionless secular…