What is charity today? How do new charitable initiatives recast the classic opposition between economies organized around markets and those…
Daromir Rudnyckyj
Daromir Rudnyckyj is an associate professor of anthropology at the University of Victoria. His research addresses globalization, capitalism, religion, finance, development, Islam, and the socio-technics of money. He is the author of Beyond Debt: Islamic Experiments in Global Finance (Chicago, 2019). His first book Spiritual Economies: Islam, Globalization, and the Afterlife of Development (Cornell, 2010), was awarded a Sharon Stephens Prize by the American Ethnological Society. He is also the coeditor, with Filippo Osella, of Religion and the Morality of the Market (Cambridge, 2017).
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Post-secular development
February 25, 2011
For most of the second half of the twentieth century development was assumed to be consonant with modernity and its…