"Of Miracles and Machines: A Symposium on Derrida and Religion" will take place Thursday, March 22, at Fordham University, New…
If the medium is the message, then what can we make of digitized religious texts? In The New Yorker, Macy…
Secularism in Antebellum America
Forthcoming from the University of Chicago Press, a "pioneering account of religion and society in nineteenth-century America" by John Lardas…
More on religion in the presidential race
At The Daily Beast, Micheal Medved joins the current discussion, set off by Bill Keller's recent Times article, on religion's…
Questioning religion’s role in the presidential race
At the Scoop, Maura Jane Farrelly rounds up some responses (and adds her own) to Bill Keller's Times Magazine editorial…
World Youth Day reassessed
Two writers at the The Guardian enter into the conversation about this year's World Youth Day and the public reaction…
Why I don’t read non-fiction from Barnes and Noble, and why that’s a problem for public scholarship; or, what I learned in third grade about epistemology and essentialization
I have not been interested in the Barnes and Noble non-fiction section for a long time. There might be a…
The suspicious revolution: An interview with Talal Asad
Not long after his return from Cairo, where he was doing fieldwork, I spoke with Talal Asad at the City…
When news isn’t so black and white
In light of Hasidic 8-year-old Leiby Kletzky's recent murder, as well as The New York Times’ inclusion of "some of…
Whose foreskin?
Courtney Bender discusses the controversial ballot measure to prohibit circumcision of males under eighteen years of age, which will be…