Beware the dominant narratives about religion and sex. Things are usually more complicated.
What is scholarship good for?
Beyond calls for more of us to become public intellectuals, what can we do to shift public opinion on issues…
Criticism and catastrophe
Rather than a cosmopolitan space where all national literary traditions can finally cohabitate on an equal footing, world literature is…
“Only a human encounter . . .”
Winnifred Fallers Sullivan writes the initial response to Nadia Marzouki's Islam: An American Religion in this summer book forum.
The 9th World Assembly of Religions for Peace
Several weeks ago, over 600 religious leaders, representing more than 120 countries and a wide-range of religious traditions (Baha’i, Buddhist,…
Secularism and secularity at the AAR
At the upcoming annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion, to be held November 23-26 in Baltimore, a new program unit on “Secularism…
Light without Fire: The Making of America’s First Muslim College
Scott Korb, who teaches at the New School and New York University, recently published a book, Light without Fire: The…
Judge rules yoga not a threat to separation of church and state
A judge in California ruled on Monday that teaching yoga in public schools does not violate the U.S. Constitution's separation…
CFP: Religious Studies 50 years after Schempp
On September 27-29, 2013, the Department of Religious Studies at Indiana University-Bloomington will host a conference entitled “Religious Studies 50 Years after Schempp:…
Buddhism and the practices of contemporary education
Recently, Matt Bieber interviewed Peter Hershock, author of Buddhism in the Public Sphere, for his blog The Wheat and Chaff.