Ruth Braunstein revisits her 2019 essay on efforts to reframe the budget as a moral concern. Her work sheds light…
Revisited: Underestimating the force of the New Evangelicals in the public sphere
Undoubtedly, transnational pulls and uneven relations of power shape political realities throughout the Americas. However, not all political and cultural…
US politics beyond white conservatives: Asian American evangelicals and the religiously unaffiliated
A focus on Asian Americans opens new avenues of study when it comes to race, religion, and politics. I focus…
Revisited: Why do evangelicals vote for Trump?
Four years after his initial essay, Philip Gorski revisits his title question of "Why do evangelicals vote for Trump?" in…
Which politics of nature? A response to Crockford
[F]rom the vantage point of religious naturalism, I consider the “nature” of nature discourse in Veldman’s framing of white evangelicals’…
Beyond belief? A reply to Berry and Crockford
One of the most difficult aspects of writing The Gospel of Climate Skepticism for me related to audience. The audience…
Social climates beyond belief and doubt
Robin Globus Veldman’s The Gospel of Climate Skepticism is a timely intervention into longstanding debates about the relationship between religious…
Is Europe Christian?—An introduction
Olivier Roy introduces his argument in Is Europe Christian?, that the real break between contemporary European culture and Christianity is…
Practices of relation: Gorski and Perry
Sociologists Philip Gorski and Samuel Perry engage one another in critical dialogue around White Christian Nationalism in the United States.
Making budgets moral again
The release of the Poor People’s Moral Budget calls forth decades of efforts to reframe the budget as a moral…