Four years after his initial essay, Philip Gorski revisits his title question of "Why do evangelicals vote for Trump?" in…
Philip S. Gorski
Philip Gorski is professor of sociology and religious studies at Yale University. His research focuses on religion and politics in modern and early modern Western Europe and North America. His latest book is American Babylon: Christianity and Democracy Before and After Trump (Routledge, 2020).
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Practices of relation: Gorski and Perry
April 2, 2020
Sociologists Philip Gorski and Samuel Perry engage one another in critical dialogue around White Christian Nationalism in the United States.
The naked public sphere?
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In light of Rick Santorum's recent comments on religion and the public sphere, we asked a small handful of scholars…
After purification
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Over the past few days, Barack Obama's "More Perfect Union" speech has been accessed millions of times on YouTube and…