Hubert Knoblauch is a professor of sociology at the Technical University of Berlin, where he specializes in general sociological theory,…
John D. Boy
Latest posts - Page 2
New journal: Critical Research on Religion
Sage Publishers has announced the launch of Critical Research on Religion.
People make religions and religions make people
In How to Believe, a blog on "great works of religion and philosophy" hosted by The Guardian, Andrew Brown has been writing…
The end of postcolonialism
The London-based publisher Zed Books recently released Hamid Dabashi's The Arab Spring: The End of Postcolonialism (distributed in the U.S. by Macmillan).
Muhammad Asad and the concept of an Islamic politics
In a talk prepared last year for a symposium on the life and work of his father, the anthropologist Talal Asad lays…
The graduation wars
In Il Sussidiario, Michael Sean Winters gives his opinion on the recent controversies surrounding commencement speakers invited to Catholic institutions of…
The season of revolution
The online journal Interface: A Forum for and about Social Movements dedicates much of its most recent issue to the "Arab Spring."
Contingency, divinity, and revelation
In The New Inquiry, Adam Kotsko reviews Quentin Meillassoux's The Number and the Siren, a study of Mallarmé's last poem, Un Coup de Dés jamais n’abolira…
Experiences with evangelical congregations
In The New Yorker, Joan Acocella gives a favorable review of Tanya M. Luhrmann's When God Talks Back: Understanding the American…
Durkheim and belief
This Friday, March 30, at 12:30pm, the Committee for the Study of Religion at the City University of New York…