Eduardo Mendieta, who has conducted interviews with Cornel West and Jürgen Habermas for The Immanent Frame, was recently interviewed by…
John D. Boy
John D. Boy is an assistant professor of sociology at Leiden University. He was an associate editor for Frequencies. He holds a PhD in sociology from the City University of New York.
Latest posts - Page 4
Globalization and secularization
February 15, 2012
In the latest issue of the European Journal of Sociology, José Casanova reviews two recent works by eminent British sociologists:…
Religion and the body
February 13, 2012
The Scholar & Feminist Online, an e-journal published by the Barnard Center for Research on Women, recently launched a special…
The cry for immanence
February 10, 2012
Today begins a discussion series at the collaborative theology blog An und für sich on Daniel Barber's recent book, On Diaspora: Christianity, Religion, and Secularity. Daniel…
After the secular age
February 8, 2012
Just out from Verso Press, Simon Critchley's The Faith of the Faithless: Experiments in Political Theology investigates the role of religion in…
CFP: Speculation, philosophy, and the end of religion
October 25, 2011
A call for papers for a conference on "Thinking the Absolute" at Liverpool Hope University in the UK, June 29–July 1, 2012,…