Georgetown University's Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs has made available the lecture notes from José Casanova's talks…
An empirical perspective on religious and secular reasons
This “religion in the public sphere” thread has featured debates about whether citizens of liberal democratic societies can offer religious…
Alberto Toscano on fanaticism
Alberto Toscano, author of the recently published Fanaticism: The Uses of an Idea, will be speaking at New York University tomorrow, 5–7pm,…
‘Legitimate’ Laicite
Margarita Mooney review's Raphael Liogier's 'Legitimate' Laicite: France and its State Religions (Entrelacs, 2006) in Contemporary Sociology (sub. required).
Cosmic war on a global scale: An interview with Mark Juergensmeyer
As director of the Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, Mark Juergensmeyer…
Power spots
“Shoveling fog” is Courtney Bender’s acute phrase for the work of “studying spirituality,” an amorphous term that has suffered much…
When strong is weak
It is a testament to the power of the “strong program” image that most commentators on our working paper read…
Institutions, discourses, practices… and life-in-the-world
The portraits social scientists create get appropriated by their subjects, used, and fed back to social scientists. Like a Cherokee…
“Love Thy Neighbor? Not If He’s Different”
At Miller-McCune, David Villano reports on a new study that finds that religious adherents in the U.S. are more inclined…
Getting out of crisis-mode
Although the sociology of religion is in a relatively good state, it still seems that there is continuing intellectual insecurity…