How have you used The Immanent Frame in your teaching? What has worked, for which students and classes, and why?
Inheritance and belief
Can we apply what we have learned about religious conversion to instances in which individuals do not embrace the convictions…
Sex and secularism after Trump
Together, Sex and Secularism and In the Name of Women’s Rights considerably deepen and extend the conversation into which I…
Controversy over French proposal to edit the Quran: A transatlantic perspective
In the interest of informing our English-speaking readers about recent public debates involving questions of religious difference and public life…
A secular species
While the cultural manifestations of sexual difference have shifted since the late nineteenth century, the logic that sustains them remains…
“Strange bedfellows” and the reproduction of civilization
While the theoretical engagements and arguments both books provide are not limited to the question of women’s rights and feminism…
Armenian return conversions in Turkey
The politics of Turkish secularism does not only impose a radical break with the multi-religious Ottoman past, but simultaneously aims…
The “woman question” as symptomatic of imperialism
I want to bring the arguments of Farris and Scott into conversation with two other recent publications in order to…
Taming the Muslim woman
The Muslim woman figures as one of the central anchor points of the “Muslim question.” Integrated into a discourse of…
Volatile signs: Feminism, secularism, political economy
What, then, does a feminist critique of secularism and its imperial geopolitics look like? What are the terms in which…