In this conversation, Chad Seales and Timothy Rainey address what role corporations should assume in achieving the public good. While…
The corporate form
This forum responds to a recent call in the Journal of the American Academy of Religion and extends earlier TIF discussions on philanthropy,…
What dolphins teach us about philanthropy
To explore what a justice-oriented philanthropy might look like, I will first grapple with the original usage of the term…
Private gifts, public possession
[I]n a post-Reagan neoliberal world, reform is just another name for privatization, moral slang for civic service that ultimately prioritizes…
Going global: Comparing faith and philanthropy at home and abroad
For much of the past century, philanthropy remained an unquestioned good. But with growing public perception connecting philanthropy to the…
The market in the gift
What is charity today? How do new charitable initiatives recast the classic opposition between economies organized around markets and those…
Reparative capitalism
What would it mean to sever philanthropy—affectively, politically—from reciprocal obligation? What would it look like to enact politics on a…
Religious charity and the spirit of homo economicus
In this brief essay I connect Gates’s philosophy of giving—along with many other contemporary neoliberal philanthropists—to Protestant traditions and the…
Gospels of giving
Contributors to this forum consider why, when, and where certain understandings of charity and philanthropy have proven persuasive and powerful.
As rich as Rockefeller, Danforth, Lilly, Luce, Pew, and Templeton
At the outset of the twenty-first century, what do these Rockefeller-funded projects have to teach us about religion in higher…