Dawn dismantles the social science edifice that makes it possible to think that the question “What are the origins of inequality?”…
The Myth of Disenchantment: An Introduction
A great many theorists have argued that precisely what makes the modern world “modern” is that people no longer believe…
The way of the brother
S. Brent Plate offers a new reading of Terrance Malick's The Tree of Life, complicating the either/or dualism constructed in…
All used up
There is a question that has been haunting me about our times and our collective condition, specifically in regard to…
Heraclitean spirituality: divine conflict
From the vertiginous summit of his virtue, and against all evidence to the contrary, Heraclitus informs us that "it is…
Immanent spirituality
A worthy touchstone to arbitrate between worldviews immanent and transcendent is the désir d'éternité, the "desire to gather together the…
Repossessing the past
By some sort of happy coincidence—or to use the surrealist term referenced by Jeremy Biles, “objective chance”—I watched Youth Without…