The queerness of lost boys in butt huts struck me in the journalistic accounts I had read, and I took…
In heaven as it is on earth
The possibility of eternity makes this life all the more interesting. It shows us features of this life we might…
The end of the Circus
The circus offers us here—in its closure—an opportunity to track periods of enchantment and disenchantment. Better yet, it offers an…
CFP: The Book of Mormon: Americanist Approaches
Professors Jared Hickman and Elizabeth Fenton have put out a call for papers on The Book of Mormon for potential future publication.
Mormon apostles and voting
According to a survey conducted by Aaron Campbell, a marketing and campaign consultant in Utah county, a large number of…
Mormon appointed to White House faith-based advisory council
Recently, Religion News Service reported that President Obama had appointed the first Mormon member to his faith-based advisory council.
Evangelicals support Romney
At The New Republic, Eg Kilgore explains why the Christian Right will overcome its apprehensions about Mitt Romney's religion.
Romney and the two holy lands
Mitt Romney can't find enough good things to say about Israel. And like his now defunct challengers, Gingrich and Santorum,…
Modern Mormons and socialism
At Salon, Troy Williams retells an old Mormon tale and chastises likely Republican candidate for president, Mitt Romney, for abandoning his religion's socialist…
The naked public sphere?
In light of Rick Santorum's recent comments on religion and the public sphere, we asked a small handful of scholars…