When Pope John Paul II visited Poland in 1979, he used his addresses and homilies to speak of faith and…
Boundaries of Toleration
In Boundaries of Toleration, editors Alfred Stepan and Charles Taylor ask: "How can people of diverse religious, ethnic, and linguistic…
The Charter of Quebec Values
On November 7th, 2013, on the heels of a heated public debate about the role of religion in public life,…
Secular belief, religious belonging
A recent Gallup poll found that almost half of China’s people (47 percent) say that they are “convinced atheists”—the highest…
Genealogy and plurality
Simon During’s essay begins with a taxonomy that is harmlessly at odds with my own classification. He uses the term…
Multiculturalism in Europe
After the rise of multicultural policies in the 1980s and 1990s, the winds have shifted in Europe. Terrorist attacks in…
Power and resources: A conversation with Sidney Jones
In May of 2010, I sat down for a conversation with the legendary human rights advocate Sidney Jones of the…
Church attendance and identity
In an essay on Slate, Shankar Vedantam speculates on why Americans tend to overreport attendance at religious services.
The American Jew and Israeli politics
Sara Reef, Project Manager at Intersections International, writes at The Huffington Post on the American Jew's "right" to speak on the…
The de-protestantization of the Supreme Court?
In light of the recent news that Justice Stevens will be retiring, the New York Times Week in Review notes…