The Conservative Human Rights Revolution traces the origins of the European human rights system from the Hague peace conferences before…
“Whither a Muslim world?”
What is the “Muslim world?” Is it solely a descriptive term employed in the social sciences and humanities to name…
Another story than the other story
What is reality? This is a question historians and philosophers can ask together. Let me use it to ponder the…
Irreligion on its own terms
Are there meaningful conceptual trajectories that can be traced between ancient Greco-Roman atomism, Spinozan monism, Humean empiricism, Marxian materialism, and…
In the Shadow of World Literature—A reply
In what follows, I have hopes of acknowledging my debt to the various participants of the forum from whom I…
History and theorizing the secular
Six short reflections contribute to an ongoing conversation about the value of history to any analysis of secularism, religion, and the…
Future fanatics of world literature?
While this future world literature is hospitable—more broadly, to aspiring critics, and, in a more specialized sense, to literary scholars…
Law and truth in the German religious constitution
It is a widely held view that the juridical and political management of religion should be grounded in fundamental normative…
From Jefferson to Jeffersonian battles
Among the scholars who have most inspired my work as a political scientist are multiple historians—whether intellectual, legal, or religious.…
From the Founders to Trump: The legalities of “Muslims”
Writing about the image of the “Muslim” at America’s founding, Denise Spellberg writes how debates on religious tests for office…