In this installment of the Rites and Responsibilities dialogue series, I met with the Boston University anthropologist and scholar of…
The power of pluralist thinking
It is hard to remember, but religious pluralism meant something quite different fifty years ago. We have, I would argue,…
Democracy, diplomacy, and religious freedom
Over at Foreign Affairs, Andrew Preston has written an article exploring the paradox of religion in U.S. foreign policy.
Human rights and the Arab Spring
The New York Review of Books' blog recently posted a debate between women's rights groups and Human Rights Watch entitled,…
Israel, secularism, and democracy
At Harvard Law School, faculty members Noah Feldman and Duncan Kennedy recently debated the question "Can Israel Be Both Jewish…
Call for papers: CSID annual conference
The organizers of the upcoming annual conference of the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy, "The Arab Spring:…
The context of religious pluralism
Akeel Bilgrami's article, “Secularism: Its Content and Context,” is an important and welcome contribution on a topic that has acquired…
Tunisia’s election: counter-revolution or democratic transition?
Today marks the first anniversary of the self-immolation of a young street seller in Tunisia that sparked the Arab Spring.…
Politics of Faith—The Role of Religion in Divided Societies
America Abroad, the award-winning documentary radio program, has released a new documentary, "The Politics of Faith---The Role of Religion in…
Beyond secularisms of all sorts
Is there a crisis of secularism in Western Europe? Is Tariq Modood’s “moderate secularism” the solution, or should we go…