The editors of Scholaristas---a new blog on women's religious history---have launched, as their inaugural forum, a discussion of the 1971…
Religion in the American West: a new blog
April 30, 2010
The American Academy of Religion's Seminar on Religion in the American West has recently launched a group blog.
New media and the reshaping of religious practice
March 16, 2010
As older forms of communication begin to cede their exclusive hold on the public’s attention, it becomes all the more…
The new landscape of the religion blogosphere
March 2, 2010
It's no longer news that digital media are changing how knowledge is produced and disseminated, and how people relate to…
Religion at The Huffington Post
February 25, 2010
Launching the new Religion section at The Huffington Post, to be edited by Paul Raushenbush, Arianna Huffington sets the tone…
Pope: blog for God
January 26, 2010
Philip Pullella of Reuters reports that, for the Catholic Church's World Day of Communications, Pope Benedict XVI encouraged clergy to…
Rock and theology
November 5, 2009
At the Rock and Theology blog, scholars explore "the relationship between ’secular’ rock and ’sacred’ theology, and related matters of…