At the Rock and Theology blog, scholars explore “the relationship between ‘secular’ rock and ‘sacred’ theology, and related matters of faith and culture today.” As part of a larger project on this topic, Tom Beaudoin takes to the blog to reflect on interconnections between culture, music and theology. A sampling:
My (yes, so-called) generation, those of us born in the mid-to-late 60s through 1980 or so, and finding our bearings as kids and adolescents during the 70s and 80s, has known for some time that we are a relatively smaller group sandwiched between two mammoth generations. It is interesting to consider the way in which it falls to us to hold together—insofar as we want to speak to a broad segment of our culture—the spiritualities and secular music practices of the Baby Boomers, on the one hand, who are now up to 20 years our senior, and the Millennials on the other, who are now up to 20 years our junior. There is now an interesting three-generation circuit of faith and culture in which the immersion in popular culture practices, and the crisis of religious institutions, and the quest for a liveable spirituality, are all more or less taken for granted. Will we be able to speak of a distinctive contribution to the history of theology, at least in the West, from my generation?
Learn more about the blog and the larger project of which it is a part.