Importantly, Marno reminds us not to confuse holy attention with religious experience, experience in the sense of suddenly experiencing something…
Death Be Not Proud

“David Marno’s Death Be Not Proud: The Art of Holy Attention is, indeed, a challenge to death, or to be precise, to a long-dead Christian devotional tradition: the tradition of holy attention. Marno resuscitates a long-gone knowledge, the art of prayer as a personal mental meditation rather than a formulaic recitation. Beautifully written and extremely humble in its presentation, Marno’s claims are bold, far-reaching, and relevant to a number of fields, among them religious studies, philosophy, spirituality, and, of course, literature. It is also a short book that covers a lot of ground, as Marno’s discussion contributes not only to the study of John Donne, around whom (or, in fact, about one of his poems) the book gravitates, or early modern devotional literature in general, but also to an on-going re-examination of Christian spirituality in the early church, the Middle Ages, and early modernity, as well as to the anthropology of religion and devotion.”
Read the rest of Moshe Sluhovsky’s essay here. He will be joined by scholars from various fields to discuss Death Be Not Proud and the larger contributions it has to many fields, including literature and religious studies.
Attention and distraction, prayer and poetry
What is holy attention? Does its holiness have to do with the manner with which one attends, the object of…
The stakes of attention
When we think of the ways of “generating an experience of full attentiveness” in devotional contexts we often tend to…
Devout death
Marno's argument about the philosophical import of holy attention puts death in a curious position. Death becomes a cognitive problem…
Prayer to no end
Sightings of a bridge between philosophy and religion by way of cognitive technē are among this book’s most exciting contributions.…
Death Be Not Proud—A reply
What I suggest in my book is that Donne’s sermon, like many other discussions of attention and distraction in early…