Where is the religion in this case and what kind of religion is it?
Winnifred Fallers Sullivan
Latest posts - Page 2
Ekklesia: An introduction
Ekklesia: Three Inquiries in Church and State takes the tenacious rubric of “church and state” and examines it through a…
Jesus in the bardo
I have been trying to understand why I found this statue so arresting—so full of pathos. I think it was…
No. Religion is not the common denominator…
Religion is not an explanation for what happened in Tennessee that weekend. Religion in general is never an explanation—except for…
“Only a human encounter . . .”
Winnifred Fallers Sullivan writes the initial response to Nadia Marzouki's Islam: An American Religion in this summer book forum.
Theologies of American exceptionalism: Marshall and Morgan
In this second installment in the series, Winni Sullivan and M. Cooper Harriss find theology of American exceptionalism in documents…
Theologies of American exceptionalism: Introduction
The one-day workshop which produced these essays focused on “Theologies of American Exceptionalism,” asking participants to expound on an exemplary…
Teaching religion: Refusing the Schempp myth of origins
I was recently asked to speak about the current state of US religious freedom law. I guess it somehow seemed…
The impossibility of religious freedom
In the last week the US Supreme Court has acted in two religious freedom cases (Burwell v. Hobby Lobby and…
Engaging religion at the Department of State
This past week, the US Department of State announced the creation of a new office that “will focus on engagement with…