Reflecting on the consequences of the recent events in Egypt for the theory of religion, Carl Raschke writes that the…
Talal Asad
Is there a secular body?
Is there a secular body? Or, in somewhat different terms, is there a particular configuration of the human sensorium—of sensibilities,…
Landmarks in the critical study of secularism
In September of 2010, Talal Asad, William E. Connolly, Charles Hirschkind, and I met at the annual American Political Science…
Taylor’s Constantinianism
In the July 2010 issue of Modern Theology, Stanley Hauerwas and Romand Coles reflect on Charles Taylor's A Secular Age.
The secularization of secularism
In the newest issue of Theory, Culture & Society, British sociologist Gregor McLennan takes a closer look at the "postsecular…
After secularization?
In their posts, Vincent Pecora and Jonathan Sheehan suggest imagining secularization as an open-ended, ongoing project. Neither doubts that something…
The crucifix controversy and the contradictions of German secularism
Last week, the prime minister of Lower Saxony, a member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), replaced several ministers in…
Muslims in European public spheres and the limits of liberal theories of citizenship
Recent events in Europe, from the cartoon crisis in Denmark to the controversy over the construction of minarets in Switzerland,…
Talal Asad and Abdullahi An-Na’im in conversation
Talal Asad and Abdullahi An-Na’im both stand at the forefront of the challenging and constructive exchange taking place today between…
The ruse of “secular humanism”
Discussions of the secular can often be peculiarly remote. Whenever secularism is imagined as unbelief, or political neutrality, or an…