The question “Was Antebellum America Secular?” obviously depends on what one means by secular. Because the term is dialectical by…
Michael Warner
Michael Warner is Seymour H. Knox Professor of English at Yale University. He is author of Publics and Counterpublics (2002), The Trouble with Normal (1999) and The Letters of the Republic (1990), as well as editor of Fear of a Queer Planet (1993), among other books.
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Speech and space
November 27, 2009
Like Webb Keane, I have come to see some metapragmatic elements in evangelical culture as bringing about some important and…
The ruse of “secular humanism”
September 22, 2008
Discussions of the secular can often be peculiarly remote. Whenever secularism is imagined as unbelief, or political neutrality, or an…