Evangelicals, contra their isolationist or xenophobic image, have become a well-traveled group, going to places usually reserved for anthropologists and…
Evangelicals & evangelicalisms
A discussion from various perspectives on how people understand and apply a contested religious category.
Evangelicals and the relational self in Venezuela
Anglophone scholars have long struggled to find a terminology with which to study non-Catholic Christianity in Latin America. We are…
The evangelical complexion
Just who are America's evangelicals? Conventional wisdom says that evangelical Protestantism is a white-bread, white people's religion. The movement's leading…
Who’s afraid of sociology?
Attempts to define "evangelical" often hover between theological definitions from those who self-identify as evangelicals and so-called sociological definitions from…
The measurement of evangelicals
Despite the fact that there is considerable journalistic and scholarly discussion today concerning the role of evangelicals in American public…
Beyond beliefs
Pollsters, sociologists and evangelical Protestants don't all agree exactly on who counts as an "evangelical." It is safe to say,…
Telling the old, old story
Just when we thought we knew what to expect from evangelicals, they seem to be changing again. After more than…
Why do we want to know?
"Evangelicals"---getting a handle on the concept requires asking why we want to know.
The ruse of “secular humanism”
Discussions of the secular can often be peculiarly remote. Whenever secularism is imagined as unbelief, or political neutrality, or an…
The evangelical vote in question
The question used to identify evangelicals in today's exit polls is "Would you describe yourself as a born-again or evangelical…