The topic I want to pester Professor Keane about is belief. Christian Moderns uses the missionary encounter on the Indonesian…
Christian moderns
I argue that the moral narrative of modernity is a projection onto chronological time of a view of human moral…
The philosopher-citizen
Jürgen Habermas is one of the most prominent philosophers on the global scene of the last half century. His work…
Hybrid consciousness or purified religion
Charles Taylor's framework for understanding the advent of a "secular age" in the North Atlantic world offers a useful first…
Akbar Ganji in conversation with Charles Taylor
Charles Taylor: If the human relation to religion and to God is not as shallow as the mainstream theory thinks,…
Naive and reflective faiths
It was difficult all along to conceive of religion (its ritual practices, mystical unions, or attractions and immersions of any…
The “option” of unbelief
Charles Taylor suggests in A Secular Age that the "default option" in modernity is "unbelief" or "exclusivist humanism," both of…
Buffered and porous selves
Almost everyone can agree that one of the big differences between us and our ancestors of five hundred years ago…
The Buddha according to Brooks
On Sunday May 25, 2008 the New York Times published an article entitled “Superhighway to Bliss” about Jill Bolte Taylor,…
Varieties of anti-religious imagination
The publication of Charles Taylor's A Secular Age has fostered an exceptionally vibrant intellectual debate on secularism and on the…