In Turkey, the headscarf is usually taken as an emblem of tradition and backwardness, and its removal from public life…
Deciphered by means of a perfected computer
Seen with a genealogical eye, Youth Without Youth speaks to the sheer danger of the sacred as the robust object…
Cosmopolitanism and the ideal of postsecular public reason
Cosmopolitanism is not realistically imaginable as the transcendence of all forms of belonging. To propose a leap into traditionless secular…
Sometimes we come closest to the gods in moments of play. When play is genuine, time is suspended and we…
The burden of the great divide
With the prevalence of voices casting doubts and aspersions on the so-called secularization thesis, we might imagine that the familiar…
A Catholic Modernity?
Some readers of Sources of the Self, particularly its last few chapters, might have wondered how exactly Taylor’s indirect plea…
That weird strange thing
That Charles Taylor’s massive book on the malaises and predicaments of secularity could be taken by so many distinguished intellectuals…
Deus absconditus and disenchantment
Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age is an inspired yet rigorously argued Wagnerian effort to analyze the distinctive anxieties of modern…
Secularism of a new kind
I have long admired Charles Taylor and have read most of what he has written and always found him helpful.…