...to describe their efforts to address poverty and human rights, is a “code word” for communism and Nazism. Beck urged Christians to discuss the term with their priests and to...
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Banning Shari‘a
by Anver Emon...religious or moral code with the force of law in the adjudication of any case under its jurisdiction.” The reference to “foreign religious or moral code” is curious—on the one...
The power of a new political imagination
by Malika Zeghal...the Moroccan PJD. He has underlined his acceptance of the Tunisian Personal Status Code, imposed by President Bourguiba in 1956. This legal code makes polygamy and divorce by repudiation illegal,...
Islam and authority
by John R. Bowen...the possibility of open debate and legitimate disagreement, and always has contained variation and disagreement. Islam as a set of state laws flattens Islamic jurisprudence into a single code. The...
Informatic cosmologies and the anxieties of immanence
...call the Software of Everything. . . . [which] consists of what the late physicist Heinz Pagels called the cosmic code . . . .” Within a decade of the...
The Politics of Islamic Law: An introduction
by Iza Hussin...in the late nineteenth century with colonial codes that defined Islamic law within the confines of marriage, divorce, inheritance, and ritual. These codes later became a basis for Muslim efforts...
Duplicitous Dalits
...fraud, or inducement/allurement. Although the Indian Penal Code (IPC) clearly defines “force,” “fraud,” and “inducement,” the Orissa Act deviates substantially from these established definitions, making it clear the Act specifically...
Fighting words that are not fought
by Sindre Bangstad...Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) of 1966, Norway introduced a racism paragraph (135 (a)) into its penal code in 1970. In its current formulation,...
Islamic feminism
by Jake Alter...approach between secular and Islamic feminism. Her book highlights many of the movements active throughout the Muslim world, including the grassroots reform of the Muslim family code (Moudawana) in Morroco...
Surviving the secular
by Ari Y. Kelman...create, or discover meaning in the wakes of disenchantment and rationalism. This kind of survival is never easy; one cannot simply look toward a book or a code or a...