...airport checkpoints across the United States. At some airports, the Sikh Coalition has found that Sikh travelers are subjected to secondary screening 100% of the time. The Sikh Coalition created...
Ogdensburg International Airport ✆ ❶—❽⓿⓿—❷❻❺—❾❺❽❶ ✓ changed my flight
Pakistan on the flight path of American power
by Laura DuaneWhat: A lecture by historian and novelist Tariq Ali, discussing his new book, The Duel: Pakistan on the Flight Path of American Power, with an introduction by Mahmood Mamdani, Herbert...
The Flight of the Intellectuals
by Jessica PolebaumIn his recently published The Flight of the Intellectuals (Melville House Publishing, 2010), Paul Berman, writer in residence at New York University, sets out, via a reading of the thought...
American carpe diem
by David Marno...Francisco airport, where I will take a flight to a conference. It is my first time riding with Lyft. Until a few weeks ago I had only used Uber, but...
Out there: Perspectives on the study of Black metaphysical religion
...world toward new destinations: mystic flight, human flight, flights of fancy. Padilioni engages flight as a radical tradition of Blackness rooted in a commitment to community, comprised of histories that...
Whose religion? What freedom?
by Helge Årsheim...tools to examine the interrelationship between international and local concepts of religious freedom, before outlining and commenting on the main positions dominating the debate at the PluRel blog. The international...
Prophetic blackness: The legendary tale of Alexander Bedward, “the flying preacher”
...tree, and his followers awaited his ascension. But when morning bled into afternoon with no flight, the crowd grew anxious. As evening’s twilight faded into nightfall, Bedward climbed down from...
Engaging religion at the Department of State
by Ahmed al-Rahim, Helge Årsheim, Pasquale Annicchino, Margot Badran, Benjamin L. Berger, Anver Emon, Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Amy Frykholm, Maia Hallward, Elizabeth Shakman Hurd, Peter Mandaville, Nadia Marzouki, Melani McAlister, Sara Silvestri, Winnifred Fallers Sullivan, Mara Willard and Erin K. Wilson...Fellow, European University Institute Melani McAlister, Associate Professor of American Studies, International Affairs, and Media and Public Affairs, George Washington University Sara Silvestri, Senior Lecturer in International Politics, City University...
The politics of secularism in international relations
by Elizabeth Shakman Hurd...changed this past decade. It is now impossible to maintain the notion that religion is irrelevant to international politics, for at least three reasons. First, the United States has had...
Where lies wisdom, where folly?
by Thomas F. FarrTwo recent developments provide good reason to revisit a debate that took place in these pages last year concerning the U.S. policy of advancing international religious freedom (IRF). The first...