...flight late at night in Las Vegas, a Man in Black approaches her. They talk. She tells him she is a writer and she’s tired, nothing personal but she’s going...
Ogdensburg International Airport ✆ ❶—❽⓿⓿—❷❻❺—❾❺❽❶ ✓ changed my flight
Us being changed
...be a document that is the encapsulation of something.” “It is us being changed,” Sullivan responds. And then later adds, “There is something frivolous and self-indulgent about what we are...
Practices of relation: Goh and Kaell
...use, such as raising hands and vocal affirmations of the sermon. This “international church” practice in many ways corresponds to the sponsorship practices you discuss: the staging of international choirs...
Decolonizing universalisms
...state and international violence themselves. Besides the main discussion of universalism, the book offers a deep critique of the theory of sovereignty in international law and political theory, showing how...
Beginning with witness: An interview with Mark Johnson
by Nathan Schneider...secular, governmental and civil—that claim the mantle of making peace. This interview was conducted in conjunction with the SSRC’s project on Religion and International Affairs.—ed. * * * NS: Since...
“After the Shipwreck”: Interpreting religion in international relations
by Gregorio Bettiza...aptly captured, and have since helped me make increasingly explicit, what I consider my own theoretical floating device in the study of religion and secularism in international relations (IR). I...
Book Launch: Religion and International Relations Theory
by Joseph Blankholm...Bender (Religion, Columbia). Religious concerns stand at the center of international politics, yet key paradigms in international relations—realism, liberalism, and constructivism—barely consider religion in their analysis of political subjects. The...
The possibilities of a Black religious multiverse
...collectively took flight in protest against their enslavement, and a twenty-first-century witch-hop artist remakes Africana religious vocabularies to theorize anti-Blackness in the tradition of the Moorish Science Temple of America...
American Muslims between legal citizenship and public exclusion
by Mucahit Bilici...removed from a Southwest Airlines flight in Los Angeles after another passenger became alarmed when she heard him speaking Arabic. The student, who was talking to his uncle, ended his...
Not much has changed—and should it?
by John H. Evans...and May’s findings through a thicker interpretive lens. The sociology of religion has actually changed very little in the past thirty years. For example, the number of religion articles in...