At Foreign Policy, Molly Worthen examines the sentiments and commitments that inform many American evangelicals' ambivalence towards the democratic possibilities…
religion in the U.S.
Kentucky approves state funding to expand Creation Museum
Should the state be in the business of funding private religious projects, even if they could boost the well-being of…
After Oprah
On the occassion of the final broadcast of "The Oprah Winfrey Show," Kathryn Lofton reflects, in an On Faith article, on…
Matters of Ultimate Concern
As the 2012 election season draws ever closer, Scott McLemee considers the essays collected in The Power of Religion in…
Every moment an Aha! Moment!
Kathryn Lofton’s Oprah: The Gospel of an Icon is a work, first and foremost, of cultural anthropology. The back cover…
Oprah the Omnipotent
Lofton tells me she shares with Jonathan Z. Smith the view that difference is the beginning of any good conversation.…
Explaining Islam to the public
Perhaps no group of scholars has had as much at stake in the public understanding of religion of late as…
O is for Ozarks
O is for Oprah. O is for Ozarks. Can the second embrace the first? Though Lofton stays away from the…
Race, orthodoxy, and “real” Islam
More than anything, the Good (Orthodox) Muslim-Bad (Black) Muslim paradigm reveals the media’s seemingly willful ignorance of the longstanding diversity…
O tedious selfhood, O aftertaste of splinters
It’s striking to me how often, with what little resistance, the many scholarly forums this book has now generated have…