Reviewing Alain de Botton's Religion for Atheists for the Guardian, Terry Eagleton expresses his distaste for the tradition of "reluctant…
Terry Eagleton
What are the uses of religion?
January 5, 2012
Raising issues central to post-secularism, Ryan Gillespie reviews three distinct recent works---Steven D. Smith's The Disenchantment of Secular Discourse, Terry…
Terry Eagleton, New Atheism, and the War on Terror
November 12, 2010
Last Wednesday evening, eminent theorist of literature and culture Terry Eagleton gave a talk at Columbia University entitled "The New…
Terry Eagleton: “Of men and monsters”
April 8, 2010
The New Statesmen has run an edited extract from Terry Eagleton's new book, On Evil (Yale University Press, 2010).
Taking stock of the rage against God
April 5, 2010
At the Guardian's Comment is Free blog, Madeleine Bunting offers a stocktaking of the "God debate" since the publication of…